Monday, November 29, 2010

Girls update.

It's been a while since I posted a million pictures of my girls and told you what they are up to...i think? ok maybe it wasn't THAT long ago. But I know Tina is dying to see them so enjoy!
We got some family pics with Regan's family a few weeks ago, here is Ash and her daddy having a snuggle, it was kinda chilly!
I couldn't get her to smile for NOTHING. No one will ever believe me that she is the smiliest happiest baby ever cause she refuses to smile for the camera! But I promise she never cries!
She is so good I never notice how tired she is until she is fast asleep!
Some post nap snuggles in Chloe's crib. she loves to have Ashley lay in her crib with her and show her the "AH AH" aka the music night light she has that has a monkey on it!

Just showing off her bling, she loves clip on earrings! or "titty's" (prettys) as she calls them.
She still thinks she is a baby and loves to climb in the baby swing....look how HUGE she is!!
Ash is eating solids! yup she loves them. so far she has had bananas, mandarin oranges and peas. loves them all!

She especially loves those arrowroot baby cookies, she just devours them like they are going out of style. I don't blame her really, they are pretty delish!
Ha ha chloe just doing the dishes. cutest bum i ever saw!!!
She is pretty much potty trained now and doing SO good! I have been putting a diaper on her when we go out still cause I am just not ready for the accidents. But every time she has made it to the bathroom and her diaper is always dry! She still has wet diapers in the morning and after her naps, but we will just deal with that later.

Princess chloe in her "belle" dress, in her favorite chair drinking a baby bottle. typical morning!

My big girl! her hair is finally growing! woohoo! she looks like she has one of those stylish short girl haircuts...maybe i should just tell people i cut her hair like that so she could be a high fashion model?
My SICK girls! we all had the flu/colds a couple weeks ago. this was just after waking up after a long sleepless night, they were so stuffed up. poor ash had a horrible cough!
I felt so bad for ashley she was SO stuffed up and coughing and her eyes watered constantly. she still has a cough, AND she had an ear infection. but she is pretty much better now and back to my happy happy girl!
Chloe loves to wrestle...I mean snuggle with her sister! Ashley is learning how to push chloe away, one of these days she will be able to pound right back on her.

She already has a temper and if chloe takes a toy away from her she burts into tears until she gets it back....isn't she too young for that??

Chloe in her cute ponytails. We do her hair every morning....Chlo INSISTS! And it looks adorable for about 15 minutes and then she is screaming at me to take them out.

This is how Ash puts herself to sleep, she is dead asleep snoring in this picture! I just have to lay her down and give her something soft and fuzzy. It's usually her fuzzy blanket, but apparently anything will work! she just sucks/chews on it making num numm sounds, and 5 minutes later she is out!!
I was cleaning the kitchen the other day and looked over and chlo had EVERY one of her dolls laid on the back of the couch putting them to "bed"

She was telling me to "sssshhhhh" and she was singing them to sleep! so cute.

she loves stuffed animals, chloe never did.

These moments are my favorite! I think she was saying "blue baby?!" Chloe thinks every color is blue, we are working on it!
These are not my favorite moments!! thank goodness Regan caught her before she got the diaper cream EVERYWHERE!
Oh and these "belle" jammies are her FAVORITE! thanks to gramma dixie....she wants to wear them ALL the time!

We pulled out the winter clothes after the first like 20 feet of snow. she wears her snow pants all the time and we are constantly putting her mittens on!

Well thats about it for right now. Ashley is totally sitting up, but still likes to throw herself backwards. She even clapped last night for the first was adorable!
Chloe is saying new words every day. Its so fun to hear her little vocabulary and she says everything so cute! Most of the time nobody knows what she is saying, I can usually figure it out tho! She is still ridiculously loud and sometimes I really wish we could go back to before she talked at house would be oh so quiet and wonderful!

We have a Winner..oh wait 2 winners!

Well folks you DID IT!!! 60 comments!! I am amazed! I am always excited when i get more than one comment on a post so 60 is ALOT!! I can't thank you enough for all the wonderful things you all said about my made me blush! :) And as promised I have randomly selected 2 winners. (just between you and me I would have given two away regardless, but don't tell anyone cause I liked all the comments!) And I was going to give away two different headbands but there were so many people who loved the red ruffles I decided to make it easy and just give two of the red ruffle ones away....hope that is ok! so without further adieu.....the winners are:

Comment #10 who is MINDY! and she said:

Francis Family said...

Ya I love them all. I kept scrolling and was like "oh I like that one too!" so pretty much all of them. I do love your new ruffle ones though!

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:


Timestamp: 2010-11-30 04:41:21 UTC

The second winner was comment #51 who is AMY! who said:

Amy said...

I love all of your new headbands So cute!

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:


Timestamp: 2010-11-30 04:36:40 UTC

Well I will get in touch with you girls and get your new headbands mailed off to you asap! Thank you everyone for your entries and all of your support! I hope everyone is having a wonderful Christmas Season!! Love you all!


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

J RAE Giveaway

Christmas is just around the corner, are you excited?? I sure am! Christmas is by far my favorite time of the year. I love the snow, the decorations, the excitement, the family time and togetherness. I even love the humongous crowds in the stores because everyone is just so happy and more considerate than usual. In keeping with the Christmas spirit I am having another giveaway! It was so much fun the first time I am really excited to do it again!

I am going to be giving one lucky reader a red ruffle headband. Red to keep with the Christmas theme, but it's not so Christmassy you could wear it all the time!
Here is my sweet Ashley modeling it for you!

Tina is excited to help me share my new headbands that are now available in the store.

I am so happy with all the responses I have been getting about my headbands. I have seen them pop up in family photos, and in random pictures I come across and it makes me giddy! I am so glad you like them :)

My Ruffle headbands are probably my new favorite. The only thing my girls have been wearing lately. I am in love with them!

And all you Raymond COMET fans, make sure you check these out! I have started making red and white headbands just for you. Make sure you run down the to store and grab one of these to cheer on your favorite team! Don't even THINK about going to the Sugarbowl without one!

And make your hairstyle more festive this Holiday season with these scrumptious Christmas bands!
All the headbands pictured will be available at Raymond Pro Hardware this Friday. There aren't many duplicates so If there is something you want you better run down and get it!

As always If you see anything you like and you don't happen to live in the Raymond area, just email me at or facebook me.

And now the moment you have been waiting for....the GIVEAWAY!!

I am giving away this adorable red ruffle headband that would be perfect for your little one.....or yourself! How do you enter??

ALL you have to do is leave a comment on this post telling me your favorite headband!
Easy Peasy.
Oh and make sure you leave your email address so I can get ahold of you if you win!

The giveaway will be closed on monday and I will be announcing the Winner Monday night.

My last giveaway post holds the record number of comments ever on my blog...30. And i was thinking If per-chance the comments on THIS post were to get up to 50 i MIGHT just be able to find another headband to give away! so make sure you tell all of your friends!

Good Luck and Merry Christmas!!