Thursday, September 2, 2010

bedknobs and broomsticks

I am not a decorator. Not even a little bit, those who have seen my house can attest to that. There are pretty much no decorations and it is well...pretty bland. But I have about the cutest sister/sister inlaws around and they are all REALLY good at decorating and being super cute. Seriously their houses are all way too adorable and could be in magazines. Needless to say I am a little jealous. Then one day Pam says that she bought a blanket that was too small for her ginormous king size bed but was way too adorable to take back. and being the nice person that i am I just took if off her hands for her! and i LOVE it I was so excited I went out and bought fabric to make pillows to match and put it on my bed ASAP!! are you dying of suspense now?? i know you must be so here ya go!!

This is my sad sad bed before it got a nice little makeover. I mean i love a plain white bed with white pillows and everything, but ours is sloppy, and we have had it for 5 years....time for a change i think!!

AAAAAHHHHH isn't is GORGEOUS?!?!? I am in love...seriously!! the ony down side is the red curtains i made recently don't match, better run down to Joannes and get me some new curtain fabric!

I have been wanting to make these ruffle pillows for a while and i LOVE the way they turned out. and can i just say how much i love my new rolled edge presser foot??!!! it is awesome, if you are going to do ruffles EVER then go buy one it is totally worth it!! HERE is the tutorial I used for these cute ruffly pillows.

And then this pillow was another one I was DYING to try, and LOVE how it turned out!! HERE is the tutorial i used for this adorable pillow. I may have made a floral one too but couldn't finish it cause i ran out of did walmart. So hopefully i can finish it and it will be just as cute!

And just some random cuteness from our house.....

Ashley was having some tummy time (which she normally hates) and fell asleep in the middle of the floor. She slept for a couple of hours while chloe was napping as well, and held onto this rattle the ENTIRE was so cute!

Ash in the Jolly Jumper for the first time, she was loving it for the most part. the part she wasn't loving was her big sister spinning her around and banging her into the door and smashing her fingers. gotta love big sisters!....right tina??

Chloe HAD to sit in the bumbo chair on the counter cause that is where ashley gets to hang out when I am sewing or cooking.

Tina and I were unsuccessfully trying to do my new yoga video the other day and chloe was getting in on the action! ha ha niiiice form tho tina!!

CHloe's favorite passtime, pump out gallons of baby lotion and make a huge mess. at least i caught her this time before she tried to help out and lotion up ashley!


Unknown said...

Okay seriously Jennie! You are so amazing!! Those ruffled pillows are to DIE for!! You are just oozing with talent! I am so jealous!

Shelley said...

I'm dying over your cute little yellow and grey bedroom!! Where the heck is that quilt from!!?? You're pillows are heaven - I've never heard of that foot, I want to try!

PamH said...

LOVE the pillows!! They look so professional!! I need to take some pictures of my bedroom now and share!

Jennie Holt said...

thanks guys! the quilt is from target shelley, and honestly you have to get that foot its so nice!!

Malea said...

I love your new bed!!! Those pillows are just to die for!! I love little chloe...she is just to stinking cute and is so good at yoga!!! And ashley is just getting so big!! I miss you guys!!

tinabutter said...

Very VERY unsuccessful yoga doing...but very VERY successful pillow making.

I sure hope my big sister didn't treat me like Chloe treats Ash, or I'd probably have to go seeking some revenge.

kyleandtaryn said...

You are SO talented Jennie! I am in love with those pillows and bedspread, SO CUTE! They don't compare to the cuteness of your daughters though, they are so adorable! I hear you on the lotion/swing the baby in the doorway thing. Glad to know that Ashley isn't the only tormented little sister around. Claire loving her to death has new meaning. Ha.

Suz said...

I can't believe Ash is big enough to be in a jolly jumper! She is growing way too fast! I am amazed by your talent! Did you get your serger fixed?

Arrington's said...

I don't think you give yourself enough credit your bed is amazing! So cheery and bright. Your girls are beyond adorable as well!

Sami-Jane said...

oh j-wow! you already know that you are my sewing/crafts idol! LOVE THE PILLOWS! and I love that you wrote that my house is cute even though you haven't seen it yet lol!

Leah said...

whoa I was just gonna ask where you bought your cute pillows but you made those?! SOOO cute!

Karlene said...

love love love your yellow pillows!! i think i need to come hang out with you for awhile.

Nate, Marie & Lilly said...

If you love the rolled hem foot, you should get a ruffle foot. It makes it so much easier to do ruffles and stuff that you would do in that cream pillow.