So Chloe turned 9 months old on Sunday. my oh my does the time fly!!! I am so proud of my little munchin. she is learning so much and is such a little smarty pants!! She can pull herself up now pretty much anywhere, couch, chairs, the name it! still does her funny little army crawl...but she can really boogie when she wants something. She loves to feed herself and will love you forever if you give her popcorn twists (I think they are a favorite among all babies ) She learned how to is pretty much the cutest thing ever.but i haven't managed to get it on video.
I found this little piano at a garage sale for $3 and it is awesome!! she loves it! In the first video she is showing how she can clap...a new talent as of two days ago. make sure you watch it to the end or you will miss a treat from auntie tina! (and if you didn't know clapping and pulling up you shirt is the new way to dance!)
The second video is chloe spinning around. She always had the hardest time seeing what was going on behind her. and it was quite the ordeal to crawl onto her tummy turn around and then sit back up again. so imagine her delight when she figured out she can just turn in circles!!
She's ridiculously cute - and so is TINA!
I can't believe Chloe is already 9 months?! Why do babies grow? That's a dumb question, but someone's got to ask it!! It's crazy.
I will see you at the run. We can pick each other up out of the ditch. I just finished going over my will...
well - love that i got to see aunt tina in full swing! haha - oh the things that aunts do to make their little nieces and nephews smile :) gotta love it! and love the spinning one! she is getting so big and cuter and cuter jen!!!
i love you laughing your little giggle laugh in the background. i love her spinning around and around, and the clapping.
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