Tuesday, August 19, 2008

So Here are some of the bows and what they look like on. My friend's little girl was the perfect model..she is so cute! 

This is one of the smaller bows all by itself.
And here is the smaller bow on a band.

J Rae Bows

Ok so i decided one day to try and make some bows in case i have a girl. well i kinda went crazy and made a TON of them...so I decided to try and sell them and see if people like them.  So far i have put them in my dad's hardware store out in Raymond and i think we have sold a few...i havent counted yet! so here are a few samples that i made, of some of the different sizes and whatnot.  I am probably going to make a facebook group with the available ones and if you are in need of a certain color just let me know!  
This size come two at a time cause they are small and cute for pigtails
A cute flower for a headband or just in the hair.
This is a larger bow that would look good on a headband or in an older girls hair.
            Here is an example of the headbands.
And just another cute flower.